When we think of self love a lot of the time we think of treating ourselves with whatever our vices may be. However, self love is so much more than pampering ourselves with wants. Self love is doing the things you NEED to do in order to thrive and be the best possible you that you can be.
The way that we talk to ourselves plays a huge role in this. How would you feel if someone said the things you say to yourself? Would you be pleased or feel worse? If it’s the latter of the two it’s important to remember that’s a great place to start with practicing healthy self love.
Changing your mindset, and the way you view yourself is easier said then done. There will be days when you feel amazing and uplifting yourself comes naturally, but with that comes the days where you may feel horrible about yourself, and those are the days that how you treat yourself are the MOST important.
t’s vital to note that the our ego likes to be right. Therefore if you feel poorly about yourself, your mind will help you find all the reasons you should in order to fulfill that need. Just like it can work against you, it can also work for you.
When you start to say positive things about yourself you will begin to find more evidence in your life to support those feelings. Your thoughts change and along with that your actions change. You will do the things that align with the way you feel about yourself regardless if you feel like it or not because you truly believe you deserve it!
This is a process.
Be very gentle and kind you yourself.
Celebrate the wins.
Fill yourself up with so much gratitude.
Do not give your joy away.