Unlike diet, sleep, hydration, exercise, etc there are a few determinants of health that cannot be changed. These are referred to as your inborn determinants. Which are genetic make-up, parental exposures to things such as drugs, toxins, viruses, or psycho-emotional when in utero. Also, maternal health and nutrition.
Our genetics play a huge role in how our health, or body type etc. However, are genetics end all be all? We are finding out more and more with the study of Epigenetics (the expressions of some genes and the suppression of others) can somewhat be controlled by environmental factors.
This is exciting news! Just because grandma and mom had type two diabetes doesn’t necessary mean you will too. Or just because dad seems to put on weight and keep on weight easily affecting his health doesn’t mean that will also be the case for you. The more we are able to tweak our environments to nurture the status of our health the better off next generations may be in the long run!
Learning about triggers of what may turn certain genes on for you that will cause your health to decline therefore lessening the quality of life in some cases can be very beneficial. However, it is important to occasionally get sick to build the immune system so this won’t eradicate that element of life. It can help with developing things like high blood pressure, type two diabetes, heart disease and etc. Then once a person makes the lifestyle changes needed they can stop those parts of genes from becoming reality.

We may not be able to change our genetics but we do have a say in how some of them will be expressed!